My project will focus on the entrepreneurial subject as a paradigmatic figure for neoliberalism, one we are supposed to emulate. I wish to ask: how does occupying this role involve the managing of our own thoughts and emotions, censoring out experiences, social relations or forms of knowledge that are difficult to justify in terms of profit or self-advancement? I would like to explore the relationship between this 'entrepreneurial subject', the policies that define learning, creativity and other human activities in business therms, and the institutions that encourage entrepreneurial behaviour and thinking. I am especially interested in the role of language in this process, especially how the vagueness of neoliberal language operates on an affective and ideological level.
This investigation will take place through a series of 1) informal interview/conversations about these issues and 2) a series of 'cold readings' of texts engaging with entrepreneurial language: policy documents, management literature, statements and quotes, etc.
The project will work with the interviews and readings in a performative sense, and also as audio recordings.
You are welcome to participate; to do so, please contact me at
Kirsten Forkert
September 30 to October 7 / 06